Why you should custom write your CV for each role

Most of us will only ever write one CV in our lifetime, and then simply update it after each job. Unfortunately this isn’t going to impress a new employer! Your CV should command much more of your time when it comes to applying for another job. As the years roll on it can be easy to assume your CV will be just as effective each time you need to use it. The hard truth is that it will always need

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How to make your CV stand out from the crowd

If you’re fortunate enough to be only up against a handful of other people, you may stand a good chance. With the right skills, qualifications and experience, your chances of making the interview stage look very promising. Unfortunately you are not always going to be up against a handful of people. It’s more plausible that there are twenty, thirty, or even forty other applicants all applying for the same position. Your chances of gaining an interview have now dropped dramatically.

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How to write an effective and error free CV

Writing an effective and ‘error-free’ CV is not an easy task. But an essential one if you want to stand a chance of getting a job interview. If you think your skills, qualifications and experience will walk you into the interview alone – then think again! Unfortunately you are likely to be up against many other applicants, all equally as qualified. The race to get to the interview stage will come down to the presentation, and the ability to make

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How to write a cover letter for your CV

When it comes to applying for a new job, a cover letter is probably one of the most overlooked aspects. It could be something you’ve never thought about all these years of applying! A cover letter could be what separates you from your competition. It could give you the edge you’re looking for and push you closer to a job interview. So what is a cover letter? A cover letter is essentially a one page introduction to your credentials and

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